Mar 29, 2022Liked by Allison Raskin

I love this. I often find the concept of body neutrality to be much more helpful than body positivity. My body is a vessel that allows me to live my life. I don’t need to love the way my body looks in order to love myself (though some days I do love the way it looks!) I try to spend as little time as possible thinking about how I look, which allows me to focus my energy on the other things that add value to my life.

Thank you for writing this, your honesty and vulnerability always makes me feel less alone 💕

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Such a great approach I will definitely be leaning into!! xoxo A

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022Liked by Allison Raskin

+1 for body neutrality and being grateful to have a body that can do what it does! Also scars will fade (with the help of lots of sunscreen!). I've had foot surgeries and I used to put sand on top of my sunscreen on the beach to further block the sun :)

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Great tip! Thank you!! xox A

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Allison Raskin

Thanks for sharing! As someone who has dealt with eating disorders, I can understand the reality of knowing you “should” love your body but still disliking parts of it. On hard days when I can’t love parts of my body, I work towards body neutrality. Instead of staring at every perceived problem all day, I just decide “those are my legs” and try to ignore them for the rest of the day. We’re trained in therapy to analyze things and find the root cause of our feelings, but with body stuff… I think it’s enough to just get through the day. I hope writing about it helped you!

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Thanks so much for sharing this! I totally agree it's helpful to take a different approach when it comes to body stuff! xoxo A

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Allison Raskin

I found this very relatable and it reminds me of how opposing things can be true at the same time. I will exist at any size and wear things and do things that maybe I “shouldn’t”, but I also very much hate my stomach and very rarely wear things that are tight to it.

I binged Lizzo’s new show this weekend and it definitely brought past body trauma to the surface. It also made me want to get a tattoo on the side of my torso so that I have more parts of my body that I love and can embrace.

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Oooo I love that idea!! Tattoo's are such a great way to reclaim our own skin! xoxox A

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Allison Raskin

I LOVE Maintenance Phase!! And I love this take on what it means to have a positive relationship with yourself and your body. Thank you!

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Thanks so much for reading!! xoxo A

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Apr 9, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022

Allison, your post just radiates, through and through, with the “v”word - vulnerability. Thank you. It may not seem like a gift to you but it’s such a powerful model for others that you share your vulnerability, doused with some humor. AND, it’s not self-hating humor, but loving humor. Emotional pain is - emotional pain - but light can enter that pain with an upward turn of our lips, a smile. Thanks for being such a loving model of the ”v” word.

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